Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 1 of Blogging

The Lord called me to be a stay at home Mom about 2.5 years ago.  My husband was in seminary, without a job. I was working part-time tutoring and the Lord spoke to my heart that it was time I quit taking care of other people's children and raise my own.  I am very thankful for this calling. It was a bit of a shocker to me, I wasn't sure how we were going to make it finacially, but I can say to this day, not a day has gone by that He hasn't provided.  He gives us our needs and often times provides some wants as well.  I spent 6 years teaching in public schools.  While in seminary the Lord called us to serve as houseparents at a childrens home with neglected and abused children.  It was very difficult work, but if I ever saw the hand of God at work, it was there.  He brought children into His saving grace, He delivered hurting children from their evil homes, and provided graciously life abundant for several children.  After my husband completed his Master of Divinity, we moved to live near my family to have our second son. 
Yesterday we went to the Dr. to see the first picture of our new little one in womb and I have to say, I'm a bit nervous taking on 3 children under 4. I currently have two precious boys, my oldest is Zeb and he is 3.5 yrs old.  My youngest is Sy who is 7 months old.  My boys are active and all boy.  After Zeb's gymnastics today we had to go to Walmart to get some formula and baby food for Sy.  It never fails, Zeb had to use the potty:)  So I stood in the back of the store with my cart and crying Sy, amidst all the Walmart employees holding a safety training, with the women's bathroom door wide open, guiding Zeb to go to the restroom without me escorting him directly to the stall.  This was a first for me.  I did not see anyway I could manage all our stuff and get him in the restroom. Sweet ladies offered to hold Sy, but there wasn't a bone in me that would allow a stranger to watch my 7 month old.  Zeb did great, went right to the stall, locked himself in and pottied, then came strutting out that he did that all, all by himself! 
I don't know about other Moms, but my boys always have, probably always will hate shopping. From the time each of them were very little, the second we walk into a store, the attitudes, the tears, the fussing begin.  Being a stay at home Mom I do feel very obligated to try to accomplish as much of the "home stuff" as possible before my sweet husband arrives home. I want his arrival to be a time of rest and peace and joy.  I'm not sure if this will be able to continue when child #3 arrives though:) Nonetheless, I managed to get what we needed and got my boys loaded and home for naps (which is what they are doing now, the reason I have a moment to blog:)
So I decided that I would write a blog to help myself process each day; the ongoings of our life and as a memorandum for my husband and even our children when they are grown. I want us all to reflect daily on God's goodness and grace and how we have made it because He lives.  He is the One who gives me strength each day and motivation to be the Mom He wants me to be to the children He has invested to us for His glory.  I want my blog to proclaim His greatness and His provision and His mercy and His love. 
I hope that lives curveballs and the way we receive and handle them, will be an encouragement to other Mothers! 


  1. i'm so excited you're blogging! i'm not a writer at all, so i live vicariously thru other mom's writings, hehe. love you girl!

  2. Thanks Bekah! I hope to compile a book someday!
